This is for a school year lease:


All apartments are available with a private bedroom.You can choose to share with a roommate for a reduced rate in the apartments, but the houses are for 2 people only. Landlord pays all utilities with the exception of cable and internet.


An individual lease requiring your parent's co-signature means you are not responsible for your roommate's rent.


Apartments and houses have a school year lease no requirement to rent summer. Rent is paid by the semester. A $250 rent advance is required when the lease is signed.


Move in Date: Approximately one week before fall classes begin


Move out Date: The Sunday following the last Friday of Final Exams (the day after graduation)


To sign up for cable/internet: Call Comcast at 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278), or visit their website at: or


For prices: Call or Text 814-229-9962 or email at: and give your phone number.